

我们公司的使命是成为最清洁的公司, 最安全的, 也是美国最可靠的能源基础设施公司. A big part of ensuring we meet the clean part of our mission is facilitating the transition to zero-emission vehicles (ZEV) and equipment.


在地区和州的层面上, the transportation sector is the single largest source of greenhouse gas emissions – a key driver behind climate change and a major source of air pollution. 为了解决这个问题, Cali为nia has set a goal of having five million zero-emission vehicles on the road by 2030 and to phase out the sales of new gas-powered cars by 2035.

为了实现这种转换, we have been working to aggressively expand the charging infrastructure in our region to support cars, 公共汽车, 卡车, 航天飞机等, while also simultaneously upgrading our own company fleet to drive down emissions.


  • Electrify 100% of our light-duty fleet and transition 30% of our overall fleet to zero-emission vehicles by 2030
  • 到2035年运营100%零排放的车队

Below is a list of current projects in our service area (San Diego and South Orange Counties).



A2Z San Diego is a regional collaborative to curb air pollution and climate change through zero-emission transportation. 核心团队包括可持续发展目标&E, SANDAG, 圣地亚哥市, County of San Diego and the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District. 点击这里 了解更多信息.



This program plans to install charging infrastructure at about 100 locations over two years. These chargers will be installed at or near apartments and condominium complexes. 在选定的站点中,50%将支持服务不足的社区.  访问我们的 为公寓和公寓计划页面提供动力 了解更多信息.


动力驱动 舰队

This program will help build the charging infrastructure needed to electrify a minimum of 3,000辆卡车, 公共汽车, 为klifts and other medium-duty and heavy-duty electric vehicles/equipment at 300 sites. Customers can choose to own/maintain charging stations themselves or have 西班牙&E承担所有权和维护责任.  访问我们的动力驱动车队计划页面了解更多信息.



This program will bring 196 chargers to 30 school sites and 140 chargers to 22 park and beach sites. These locations will include some of the most frequented community facilities in the region such as parks, beaches and schools to accommodate existing electric vehicle (EV) drivers and encourage EV adoption. 点击这里 了解更多信息. 



This program plans to install charging infrastructure at about 100 workplace locations. 在选定的站点中,50%将支持服务不足的社区 and small businesses.  访问我们的 为工作场所提供动力计划页面 了解更多信息. 


SB 350试验计划

To meet the requirements of Senate Bill 350 (the Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act), we implemented six pilot projects to accelerate the transition of transportation electrification and expand the charging infrastructure in our region.

  1. 港口和机场电气化
    12 installations to support electric medium-duty/heavy-duty vehicles and 为klifts within the Port of San Diego’s waterfront properties.

  2. 车队运送卡车
    79 charging stations installed to support fleet delivery vehicles at four locations.

  3. 公园 & 沿着高速公路骑行
    88充电器, including DC fast chargers — the fastest chargers available — have been installed at four public Caltrans 公园 & 乘车地点. 了解更多关于这些地点开业的信息 在这里.

  4. 绿色的航天飞机
    12 charging stations at four locations to support shuttles running on fixed routes.

  5. 经销商电动汽车教育/激励计划
    教育al programs and financial incentives 为 15 local dealerships to help grow the sales of EVs in the region.

  6. 机场地面支援设备
    16 charging ports installed at San Diego International Airport to support electric ground support equipment used to service aircraft between flights.



西班牙&E has requested the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to provide EV registration in为mation 为 our service area as allowed by Cali为nia Vehicle Code - VEH § 1808.23. This in为mation will be used to ensure sufficient infrastructure to support current and future EV charging needs.  




加州的车辆代码允许可持续发展目标&E to request and use the in为mation only 为 the purpose of identifying w在这里 an EV is registered. 车管所没有透露车主的姓名. The disclosure shall not contain marketing in为mation or a solicitation 为 the purchase of goods or services. 西班牙&E不卖, 分享, 或者进一步披露, 包括任何附属公司, 获得的居住地址或者车辆类型信息. 

西班牙&E计划利用这些信息来确定电动汽车的注册地点, 这将有助于支持以下方面: 
•    Ensure sufficient distribution infrastructure is in place to support the current and future growth of EV charging needs
•    Identify patterns of EV adoption 为 different customer segments and develop programs to serve those customers and help customers maximize the value of their EVs

根据车管所, any in为mation obtained from the Department's files will be securely destroyed upon the completion of its approved use and/or purpose, 符合国家法律. 

To better serve our customers we must understand w在这里 EV load will appear on the system to in为m grid planning. We rely on state 为ecasts but require more visibility over w在这里 vehicles are registered and charging. 这些EV注册数据将为可持续发展目标的制定提供信息&E的供配电规划. 

更多信息,请致电1-800-411-西班牙E (7343).

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